wag the dog media


wag the dog media was given it's name for a specific reason.... it has to do with the old Kipling quote and it's meaning.

Who is in control? The tail OR the dog? Your company??... OR the media vendor that takes your money??



wag the dog media - website design, hosting, graphic design, printing & social media


When it comes to marketing and your advertising budget, your advertising and marketing dollars need to be protected! There are many many companies out there selling your all sorts of ideas, products, advertising space, search engine optimization packages and more. When you're budget is pulled in several different directions, it's important to have effective exposure that comes from a well-rounded source.


Marketing is indeed the backbone to any well run organization, but it is crucial to know where and how to spend your advertising dollars, or you may end up wasting it away! And that's just not good for business!


we know what works (and what doesn't!) when it comes to your graphic & web design needs, your media needs and your printing needs..


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Contact Us

Serving the entire United States & Texas!

Phone: 1-480-705-7333


Website: www.wagthedogmedia.com

Contact Us: Click here

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